Seminář o aktuálních problémech v oblasti geodynamického výzkumu zemského nitra.
Seminar about recent advances in geodynamic modelling and exploration of the Earth and planetary interiors

Přístup pomocí Zoom Meetings

Letní semestr / Summer term 2022/23

15. 2. Craig Bina (Weinberg College)
Deep earthquakes
  1. 3. Martin Setvín (KPP MFF)
Strouhalovská přednáška (no seminar) − invitation
  8. 3. Hana Čížková (KG MFF)
Effects of dislocation climb creep in the lower mantle
15. 3. Günther Kletetschka (University of Alaska)
Origin of the Earth's magnetic field from the core's buyoancy
22. 3. Antonín Knížek (ÚFCH JH)
1. Laser-simulated impacts on planets. 2. Atmospheric model of Jupiter
29. 3. Jakub Kvorka (KG MFF)
Ice crust − convective ocean model PDF
  5. 4. Karel Schulmann (CLR CGS)
Continental growth and accretionary orogens through time
12. 4. Petr Šácha (KFA MFF)
Internal gravity waves in the atmosphere and their representation and effects in climate models
19. 4. Yeva Gevorgyan de Mendonça (Universidade de São Paulo)
Equivalence between simple multilayered and homogeneous laboratory-based rheological models in planetary science
  3. 5. Nicola Tosi (German Aerospace Center)
Geophysical constraints on Mercury's interior evolution before BepiColombo: model successes and pitfalls
10. 5. Isamu Matsuyama (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona)
Tides and tidal heating in Solar System moons and exoplanets
The deformation of an object in response to an external time-varying force generates frictional energy that heats the interior. This is a naturally occurring process in satellites where the driving force is the gravitational pull of the parent planet, and is commonly referred to as tidal heating. Tidal heating is a fundamental process in the Solar System, playing an important role in the thermal and orbital evolution of satellites, including the formation of subsurface oceans in satellites around giant planets. Beyond the Solar System, tidal heating also plays a key role in the thermal and orbital evolution of extrasolar planets orbiting close to their stars. I will discuss the origin of the time-varying gravitational forces driving tidal heating, classical formulations of tidal hearing, recent advancements in theoretical models of tidal heating, and the experimental data lacking. Io is unique in the Solar System because it gets most of its internal energy from this tidal heating, providing an ideal laboratory for improving our understanding of this fundamental process. I will discuss how tidal amplitude (quantified by the Love number k2) and tidal heating pattern observations can be used to probe the interior structure of Io.
17. 5. Catherine Annen (GFÚ)
Skaergaard: the catastrophic growth of a magma chamber in months to years

Semináře se konají o středách od 13:10 v přednáškové místnosti katedry v Troji s možností přenosu pomocí Zoom meetings.
All talks take place on Wednesday at 1:10 pm in the department lecture room and can be attended virtually (Zoom link).